Chiropractic Care

Dr. Nissenbaum’s chiropractic care objective is to diagnose, treat, and coach patients through pain and prevent future problems. After fully understanding your personal history and nature of your injury, we will create an individualized care plan that meets your needs and goals.

Your First Visit

At your first appointment, you can expect a thorough consultation discussing your personal history and a detailed physical exam. After this intake and diagnostic process, you’ll receive your first adjustment and/or ART® treatment.

Active Release Therapy (ART®) is ideal for treating chronic issues such as recurring headaches, sciatica, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and more. Through the use of more than 500 specially designed massage techniques, you’re sure to receive the best treatment for your pain.

Holistic Care

One of the many benefits of chiropractic adjustments is that they are a drug-free, non-invasive path to healing the body. Under the right conditions, the body has the innate ability to heal itself. By focusing on your nervous system and spinal cord through the activator technique, or a more traditional adjustment from Dr. Nissenbaum can help bring your body back into alignment. Ailments that adjustments can treat include the following:

  • Lower back and neck pain

  • Neurological issues

  • Hypertension

  • Scoliosis

Based on the results of the physical exam, we may also request x-rays, conduct orthopedic tests of the spine and extremities, and perform a neurologic examination to test your sensory or motor function.

Your Care Plan

Once we have completed the initial assessment and determine the appropriate treatment for your needs, we will work with you to develop a custom care plan to meet your needs. Depending upon your condition, your care plan may include:

  • Chiropractic adjustments

  • Active Release Therapy (ART®), a soft tissue mobilization technique that treats issues with soft tissues, such as muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia

  • Guided exercise rehabilitation and stretching